
A great team doing a great job

My wife and I chose Chorley Ben Rose estate agency for its local knowledge of markets, the location of its Chorley branch and the warmth of their greeting to us. Our immediate contact was with the very professional Kerry Parker who took all our details, visited the property and gave us sound advice as to realistic pricing rather than pie in the sky valuations. This was to be good advice as the process developed during the down turn in the market during 2022. We obtained several viewings and a firm negotiated offer just below our published price. At this point, we received excellent involvement of several members of the team, led by the branch manager, Tammy Daly. All good we thought and settled back to let things happen in the legal world. Until.... our buyer lost their buyer and the chain was in danger of collapsing. Throughout all this turmoil, Leanne Derbyshire was our contact and was brilliant. Constantly updating us and gaining information along the chain. Because of deteriorating market conditions, we did indeed lose our buyer and we thought of letting the property instead. So we came into contact with the rental manager, Dean Heywood. Another charming, helpful and up-beat member of the crew and we very nearly opted for rental instead of sale. But literally at the last minute and on simultaneous but separate phone calls in the retail and the rental departments, Ben Rose heard of our buyers finding another buyer for their property and we were back into the selling of our property. Everything was cranked back up again by Leanne and others with constant help from Tammy who always made herself available for advice. Despite changes in governments, recessions, 14 day holiday shutdowns and the generally slow legal processes, we managed to complete the sale over Christmas and New Year to achieve a time-limited mortgage offer for our buyers. Never a dull moment but we can not thank the Chorley Ben Rose team enough for their care and attention plus the pleasant and calming manner of handling our somewhat agitated questions. A great team doing a great job!

27/01/23 Alex Vendor
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